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Introduction to Python Data Analysis and Modeling
2024-10-12   read:184

Getting Started with Data Analysis

Hello there! Today we're going to learn about Python's applications in the field of data analysis. Data analysis has become one of the hottest skills today, with internet companies, e-commerce platforms, and even traditional manufacturing industries all needing data analysts to help them discover value from massive amounts of data.

As Python programmers, we're fortunate because Python is a powerful tool in the field of data science. With rich scientific computing libraries like NumPy and Pandas, Python can easily handle various data analysis tasks. Let's start learning from the most basic data operations today!

Data Structure Operations

The first step in data analysis is to clean and preprocess the data, which requires us to be proficient in operating various data structures in Python. For example, Series and DataFrame structures in the Pandas library are very commonly used data containers.

Using MultiIndex

Let's look at a common data analysis scenario: Suppose you've exported marketing campaign data from a marketing system, which includes information on multiple dimensions such as campaign name and campaign type. In this case, we can use MultiIndex to better organize the data. Here's an example to illustrate:

import pandas as pd

arrays = [['Campaign A', 'Campaign A', 'Campaign B', 'Campaign B'], 
          ['Online', 'Offline', 'Online', 'Offline']]
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays, names=('Campaign Name', 'Campaign Type'))
data = pd.Series([100, 200, 150, 180], index=index)



Campaign Name  Campaign Type
Campaign A     Online          100
               Offline         200
Campaign B     Online          150
               Offline         180

See? With MultiIndex, we can easily index and operate on data in multiple dimensions. For example, to select data for all online campaigns, you just need:

print(data.xs('Online', level='Campaign Type'))

Isn't that cool? Using this technique, we can quickly extract the part of data we need from a large dataset.

However, sometimes the data can be messy, with possible duplicate key values, which requires us to use other data structures.

Handling Duplicate Key Values

For instance, in data obtained from a weather API, we might encounter situations where the same city has multiple temperature values. How should we handle such data?

from collections import defaultdict

weather_data = [
    {'city': 'Beijing', 'temperature': 25},
    {'city': 'Shanghai', 'temperature': 28},
    {'city': 'Beijing', 'temperature': 26}

In this case, we can use defaultdict from the collections module, which automatically initializes the value corresponding to each key as a specified type. Let's see how to use it:

result = defaultdict(list)
for entry in weather_data:



{'Beijing': [25, 26], 'Shanghai': [28]}

See? Using defaultdict, we conveniently aggregated multiple temperature values for the same city into a list. Isn't that clever?

These are just some basic operations of Python in data analysis. Once we master these, we can start more advanced data processing.

Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

After basic data operations, we usually need to further clean and preprocess the data to prepare for subsequent analysis.

Handling Missing Values

In real-world data, missing values are a common problem. For example, we have this data:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, None], 'B': [None, 2, 3]})


     A    B
0  1.0  NaN
1  2.0  2.0
2  NaN  3.0

Now we can use the fillna() method provided by Pandas to fill in missing values:

df_filled = df.fillna(0)


     A    B
0  1.0  0.0
1  2.0  2.0 
2  0.0  3.0

See? All NaN values have been filled with 0. Of course, you can also choose to delete rows containing missing values using the dropna() method:

df_dropped = df.dropna()


     A    B
1  2.0  2.0

Handling missing values is a basic skill in data cleaning. Once you've mastered these techniques, we can perform more complex data preprocessing.

Data Standardization and Normalization

In machine learning tasks, we often need to standardize or normalize data to eliminate the impact of different dimensions on the model. However, this technique is also applicable to general data analysis tasks.

The purpose of standardization is to make the data conform to a standard normal distribution, commonly done by subtracting the mean and then dividing by the standard deviation. Normalization, on the other hand, maps data to a fixed interval, such as the [0,1] interval.

In Python, we can use the standardization and normalization modules in the scikit-learn library to accomplish these tasks. However, I won't go into detail today. Interested friends can look up information on their own.


Today we learned the basics of Python data analysis, including data structure operations, handling missing values, and more. I believe that through today's learning, you can now perform basic cleaning and preprocessing on datasets.

However, this is just the foundation of data analysis. To become a qualified data analyst, we need to learn more about statistical analysis, machine learning, and other knowledge. So, let's keep working hard, and I look forward to explaining more advanced data analysis skills to you in the next issue!

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